Last night we went to a salsa party in Lemmen. A small village with a big old farmhouse called Vredenburg. Built in 1869 and recently revamped to party centre and Cultural center for the area. The building has an elongated dome with neoclassic styles, a wide roof topped by a low-pitched triangular gabled roof. Outside they still had the clogs standing in a clog stand.
Inside the ceiling must be at least 10 meters high and the huge wooden beams stretching up and around the whole inside is just a breathtaking piece of history.
The party was held by Salsa Happytime and from 20:00 until 02:00 with a Zouk workshop from 21:00 till 22:00. I recognized the guy giving the workshop, we used to dance together many years ago under Adilio Porto. The DJ was DJ Ronaldo who I had till tonight not heard of, but he done a really good job. The music was a good variation of Salsa, Bachata, Zouk and Merengue, no hiccups or mistakes. What I found a bit irritating is that he played a few melodies of mixed songs that went for 8 bars and then stopped and kept on changing to another song? this of course means the steps of flow of dancers are lost and watching the people dancing is sometimes comical.
We met Erol and Els from Dances2Love who came for the Zouk, I did not recognize a lot of people. I think that most of the people where local.
Even though it was such a high room it was very warm. The interior was well done and the floor was pretty slippy, you wouldn’t need dancing shoes as man, I had leather soled shoes and found it on the edge.
We had fun and danced for nearly three hours. It was a nice crowd of people with a mix of beginners, intermediate and experienced dancers. I noticed a few groups of people who didn’t dance at all, just came to watch or just out for a drink on a Saturday night.
All in all we had fun and will definitely be there for the next party with the theme Bachata.
Entrance: €6,00
Times: 21:30 – 02:00
DJ: Ronaldo
Organiser: Salsa HappyTime – Henry Menes
A beer cost: €2,00
Rose & Bacardi cola cost: €7,00
Next party: 12 mei Salsa Bachata Night Workshop Bachata o.l.v. Mytsuri a.v. 21:00-22:00 Open 20:30-2:00 with DJ Ronaldo Entrance € 7,00