VELSALSA party in “Het WitteTheater” IJmuiden – 3 September 2011

Yesterday was one of the only real summer days that we have had this year. A friend of ours sent a Whats app text inviting us out to Mango’s beach bar in Zandvoort aan Zee. We arrived back in time to collect the tickets at Het WitteTheater it was 18:40 the doors opened at 18:30 starting off with 8 workshops. I found it surprisingly quiet, we went home had dinner and got ready. Irene arrived and shortly after came Sandra, I already had three ladies to dance with.

We arrived in time for the party 21:00, very few people compared to the year before. The band a 5 piece lady Salsa band “RUMBADAMA” was just great. every 30 minutes they would take a break and  DJ Latin Masters played the music..

The demos as well as the demonstrations where done by ZoukLovers, Club Fiera and Patrick Mussendijk.

Patrick Mussendijk is just one of the best dancers you could ever meet. He is so relaxed while doing so many moves it makes it look easy. The bachata team from Club Fiera done a good bachata routine. I noticed that they have got their timing good and come over much more relaxed than in the past. I am sorry to say but I personally found the Zouk routine from ZoukLovers under par. The dancers mist flow, rhythm, and lacked confidence. I seen them struggling through some moves.

Stalls: Dance shoes from Peroti Zapatos, Oma’s Kitchen: Suriname kitchen, SalsaSupply had DVD’s as well as shoes, and Most Wanted with DVD.s.

We enjoyed the party, it was a lot less busy than first year. It was very warm on the night. The floor  was very hard to dance on. I spoke to a lot of people who had problems dancing, even with dance shoes, it felt like that it needed a good buffering, which was a shame.

I don’t know if they will have a VELSALSA 3 if they do, I will go again, we met a lot of people we know and it is a nice location.

A beer cost 2 euros.


I made a few clips seen here:
Patrick Mussendijk

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